NOT MY CUP OF TEA is a feature on my blog where I show the books that I did not finish reading. Shameful, I know. I hate not finishing books I started reading. I feel like I'm betraying the author, as well as the characters. I feel terrible for not being able to appreciate someone's writing especially when a lot of people raves about it. But we should not waste our time on things that doesn't work out well with us, right? I mean, Hello? I still dream of finishing my TBR pile!

by Michael Grant
Series: Gone #1
Genre: Young Adult Dystopia
Published 28th 2009 by Katherine Tegen Books
In the blink of an eye, everyone disappears. Gone. Except for the young.
There are teens, but not one single adult. Just as suddenly, there are no phones, no internet, no television. No way to get help. And no way to figure out what's happened.
Hunger threatens. Bullies rule. A sinister creature lurks. Animals are mutating. And the teens themselves are changing, developing new talents—unimaginable, dangerous, deadly powers—that grow stronger by the day. It's a terrifying new world. Sides are being chosen, a fight is shaping up. Townies against rich kids. Bullies against the weak. Powerful against powerless. And time is running out: On your birthday, you disappear just like everyone else...
Michael Grant's Gone as been praised for its compelling storytelling, multidimensional characters, and multiple points of view.

Obvsiously, I didn't like his multidimensional characters, and most of all, multiple points of view. The story is really intriguing, but it has a lot of characters, a lot of dialogues, which means a lot of names to remember and I can't. Some were gone in the next chapters (which made them irrelevant) They got mixed up in my head. 

Total read: page 168 of 558

by  Stephen Graham Jones, Paul Tremblay, and P.T. Jones
Genre: Young Adult ???
Published May 27th 2014 by ChiTeen
Things Mary doesn’t want to fall into: the river, high school, her mother’s life.
Things Mary does kind of want to fall into: love, the sky.
This is the story of a girl who sees a boy float away one fine day. This is the story of the girl who reaches up for that boy with her hand and with her heart. This is the story of a girl who takes on the army to save a town, who goes toe-to-toe with a mad scientist, who has to fight a plague to save her family. This is the story of a girl who would give anything to get to babysit her baby brother one more time. If she could just find him.
It’s all up in the air for now, though, and falling fast. . . .
Fun, breathlessly exciting, and full of heart, Floating Boy and the Girl Who Couldn’t Fly is an unforgettable ride.

Three authors wrote this book? I'm sorry but the story is just so crappy. Here are some of my annotations while reading:

"Everything is so weird. No freak out moments when Liv saw the floating boy? Come on. We need some pinch of reality here."
"What's his name?!! Damnit. We can't just keep calling him floating boy!"
"Yes. This story is messed up."
"What the hell does that mean?!"

I would have given up during the first 20% but I gave it a chance. Sadly, it still failed. I was deceived by the pretty cover and the title.

Total read: 32%



  1. I read Gone a few years ago but didn't bother with the rest of the series. LOL

    1. I want to finish reading it and know what happens next but it's been so long since I put it down and I no longer want to mess with it's characters in my head. Haha


Let me know what you think! :)