

Title: A Right to Remain
Author: Beth Rinyu
Genre: Contemporary Romance Standalone
Release Date: May 20, 2016
Cover Artist: RE Creatives

He had a right to remain suffocated by his pain.
She had a right to remain silent about hers.

For better or for worse. 
Those were the vows that I had taken with my wife six years ago. We had lived through the better and were barely getting through the worse. I tried to face our loss together, while she chose to have an affair instead.
Time apart was what we both needed.
What I didn’t expect in that time was her.
The beauty she possessed on the outside was a far cry from the scars she was harboring on the inside. She wasn’t looking for love and neither was I. She just needed someone to help her deal with the pain she had been carrying around for the past two years, and I was happy to oblige.
I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with her, but suddenly I was seeing a future that I never dreamed of right in front of my eyes….only to find that the past had other things in mind for us.


I always believed that we only got one true love in life, and mine was gone and never coming back.
Through the tear-filled nights and never ending days, I was slowly and tortuously coming to terms with the pain that was my reality.
And then he entered my life.
Tall, handsome, genuine and caring, he was a friend when I needed one most. Together, we were a temporary fix to our own permanent pain. Just two people helping each other to get through a very dark period in life.
But when the light begins to shine ever so slightly with each passing day, and his face is all I can see at the end of that tunnel… I run back into the darkness or move into the light with him?

Ever since I can remember, I have always enjoyed Creative Writing. There was always something about being able to travel to a different place or become a different person with just the stroke of a pen - or in today's world a touch of the keyboard. I am the author of The Exception To The Rule, An Unplanned series, Drowning In Love, A Cry for Hope, A Will To Change, Blind Side of Love, Three of a Kind series, and Easy Silence.
My life is not as interesting as my books or the characters in them, but then again whose life is? I'm a mom of twin teenage boys, a crazy Border Collie and a cat with an identity crisis! I guess you can say writing is my form of Calgon!
Thanks for taking the time to learn about my books and me! If you decide to read them (and I hope you do!) please be sure to go on and review it for me - yes, even if you don't like it!




After three long months of not seeing my bookish besties, we're finally gathered once again for the book signing tour of NewYork Times Bestselling author of Red Queen, Victoria Aveyard! I didn't realize how much I missed them until I saw them again!

Here are some of the things that Victoria shared with us:
  • Victoria advised aspiring writers that you have to finish your first draft. Write the end at the end and don't edit much along the way. You can give yourself the benefit of a doubt.
  • When she was asked about the sequence of how she writes, she said that for Red Queen, she started with the main character then the world building. But usually, the latter comes first and the character is what makes readers stay in a story.
  • Red Queen was supposed to be a duology at first, but then Victoria thought she need more. Three books would be rush, she thought. So she went back to Harper and said she needed another book.
  • Universal Studios has the screen option for Red Queen. The screen writer is Jennifer _______ (Sorry I didn't hear her last name clearly).
  • Her favorite fantasy novels:
    • 1. Lord of the Rings trilogy
    • 2. Harry Potter series
    • 3. A Song of Ice and Fire series
  • She learned pretty much every story-telling trick from film school.
  • For her, the entire middle part of Red Queen is the most difficult part to write because it's more about build up.
  • She did a lot of Google translation of English-Latin for Red Queen.
  • The third book will start immediately where Glass Sword ends.
  • VA said, "I definitely want to write until the day I die." *laughs*
  • After writing the fourth book, she might go back into screenplay writing for the mean time before she started with her next book.
  • When asked about the feminism in Red Queen, she said that she's a feminist so it's normal to write about a woman or treating men and women equally.
  • She naturally likes genre mashups: Dystopia, fantasy and science fiction.
  • On what to expect of Mare on the 3rd and 4th books? More of her emotional journey.
With the Queen V!

PH YA Book Bloggers with Victoria Aveyard
PH YA Book Bloggers with Victoria Aveyard
Thank you so much, National Book Store, Powerbooks Store and HarperCollins International for this event!

Check out the recaps of my bookish besties for more info and pictures!



Sarah J. Maas Book Signing Event 


Book Signing Mechanics 
1. Registration will start at 10:00 a.m. First come, first served. 

2. The book signing will be limited to 350 signing slots. 

3. Each participant is allowed to have a maximum of three (3) books to be signed (1 personalized and 2 with signatures only). The books must be presented upon registration. Only copies of Sarah J. Maas books bought at any National Book Store, NBS Express, and Powerbooks branches will be allowed. The book must have its official receipt or price tag. 

4. A participant can register only once. Each participant will be given the following: 
• Numbered Signing Pass 
• Stamp mark on the hand to indicate your registration 

5. A posed photo with the author is strictly not allowed. However, you can still take a photo while the author is signing.

***UPDATE: Posed photos are now allowed! An official photographer from National Book Store will take the pictures. Yay!

Frequently Asked Questions 

When and where are the book signings? 
March 13, 2:00 p.m., at National Book Store, Glorietta 1 

Is there a registration fee? 
No. There is no registration fee. 

When will the registration be? 
Registration opens at 10:00 a.m. on March 13 at National Bok Store, Glorietta 1. Each guest will be asked to fill out the registration form upon arrival. First come, first served. Guests must present their book to get a numbered Signing Pass. The book must have either of the following as proof of purchase: Price Tag or Official Receipt from National Book Store, National Book Store Express or Powerbooks. 

Can I bring old books or other editions of the books? 
Yes, as long as the books were purchased from National Book Store, National Book Store Express or Powerbooks. The books must have either the price tag or official receipt. 

Do I need to buy on-site? 
No. You can buy books before or during the event. 

Can I have other items signed? 
No. Only books will be allowed to be signed by the author. 

Can we have our photo taken with the author? 
Yes. There will be an official photographer from NBS who will take your photo with the author. However, we strictly allow only one photo per person. 

How much are the books? 
Throne of Glass (Trade Paperback – P499, ISBN: 9781408832332) 
Crown of Midnight (Trade Paperback – P499, ISBN: 9781408834947) 
Heir of Fire (Trade Paperback – P499, ISBN: 9781408839126) 
Queen of Shadows (Trade Paperback – P499, ISBN: 9781408858615) 
The Assassin’s Blade (Trade Paperback – P499, ISBN: 9781408851982) 
A Court of Thorns and Roses (Trade Paperback – P499, ISBN: 99781408857861) 
Sarah J. Maas Set Specials (Boxed Set – P1,449, ISBN: 9781408862438) 



Holla banana, bookworms! Guess who's the first author to visit us this year... Victoria Aveyard! Looks like I need to take Red Queen out of my TBR pile and read it soon! THE COVERS ARE HELLA GORGEOUS, YEAH?

Victoria Aveyard Book Signing Tour 


Book Signing Mechanics 
1. Registration will start at 10:00 a.m. First come, first served. 
• March 5 at The Gallery, Ayala Center Cebu
• March 6 at National Book Store Glorietta 1 

2. Each participant is allowed to have a maximum of three (3) books to be signed (1 personalized and 2 with signatures only). The books must be presented upon registration. Only copies of Victoria Aveyard books bought at any National Book Store, NBS Express, and Powerbooks branches will be allowed. The book must have its official receipt or price tag. 

3. A participant can register only once. Each participant will be given the following: 
• Numbered Signing Pass 
• Stamp mark on the hand to indicate your registration 

4. NBS will take every effort to get as many books signed as possible. However, should there be an excessive number of guests, NBS reserves the right to limit the number of copies per guest or limit the number of guests in line. 

5. There will be an official photographer from NBS who will take your photo with the author. However, we strictly allow only one photo per person. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

When and where are the book signings? 
March 5, 1:00 p.m., at The Gallery, Ayala Center Cebu 
March 6, 2:00 p.m., at National Book Store, Glorietta 1 

Is there a registration fee? 
No. There is no registration fee. 

When will the registration be? 
Registration opens at 10:00 a.m. on March 5 at The Gallery, Ayala Center Cebu, and 10:00 a.m. on March 6 at National Bok Store, Glorietta 1. Each guest will be asked to fill out the registration form upon arrival. First come, first served. Guests must present their book to get a numbered Signing Pass. The book must have either of the following as proof of purchase: Price Tag or Official Receipt from National Book Store, National Book Store Express or Powerbooks. 

How many books can I have signed? Is there a limit as to how many people can have their books signed? 
Each participant is allowed to have a maximum of three (3) books to be signed (1 personalized and 2 with signatures only). The books must be presented upon registration. We do not have any preset limit as to the number of people. 

However, should there be an excessive number of guests, NBS reserves the right to limit the number of guests in line. First come, first served. 

Can I bring old books or other editions of the books? 
Yes, as long as the books were purchased from National Book Store, National Book Store Express or Powerbooks. The books must have either the price tag or official receipt. 

Do I need to buy on-site? 
No. You can buy books before or during the event. 

Can I have other items signed? 
No. Only books will be allowed to be signed by the author. 

Can we have our photo taken with the author? 
Yes. There will be an official photographer from NBS who will take your photo with the author. However, we strictly allow only one photo per person. 

How much are the books? 
Red Queen (Hardcover – P649) 
Red Queen (Trade Paperback – P435) 
Cruel Crown (Trade Paperback – P359) 
Glass Sword (Hardcover – P699) – Available starting February 9 
Glass Sword (Trade Paperback – P435) – Available starting February 9
